W Place is proud to be able to find a healthy and fun way to...
Our BESTSELLER is the coveted Crunchy Almonds. Without giving too much away, these almonds are...
A W Place exclusive the Coco Granola recipe was born when our amazing clients requested...
Our BESTSELLER is the coveted Crunchy Walnuts. Without giving too much away, these walnuts are incredibly unique...
The Matcha craze has taken over with this delightful recipe. W Place have spent months...
Our Pepper Cashews are for all the nut lovers out there. Fusing together a delicious...
A W Place Signature recipe carefully created to ensure it meets all your daily nutritional and...
W Place is so proud to be able to find a healthy and fun way...
Our Protein Snacks are for all the seed lovers out there. Fusing together a delicious savoury yet sweet...
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This creation is: Vegetarian NO refined sugar or flour NO preservatives High in fibre High...
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Our French Sea Salt coated with 72% dark chocolate made using cacao sourced directly from the local...
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The Vanilla Granola is a fan favourite for W Place aficionados. Highlighting the sweet yet...
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Our almonds coated with 72% dark chocolate made using cacao sourced directly from the local Pahang, Malaysia...
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Our hazelnuts coated with 72% dark chocolate made using cacao sourced directly from the local Pahang, Malaysia...
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Our Organic Black Raisins coated with 72% dark chocolate made using cacao sourced directly from...
This creation is: Vegan Preservative FREE High in natural fiber High in natural zinc Consumer tip:...
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Our Rosemary Cayenne Walnuts are for all the mix nuts and seed lovers out there. Fusing together...
This creation is: Vegan Preservative FREE High in natural fiber High in natural zinc Consumer tip:...
HEALTHY OVERNIGHT OATS RECIPE1/2 cup organic rolled oats1/2 cup water1 scoop TLS Vanilla Nutrition Shake1...
The Dried Pineapple craze has taken over with this delightful recipe. This creation is: Vegan Preservative...
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WONDERFOOD DOUBLE COCO GRANOLA | 200g This creation is: Vegetarian NO refined sugar or flour...
The Dried Pineapple craze has taken over with this delightful recipe. This creation is: Vegan Preservative...
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Our Almonds / Hazelnuts coated with 72% dark chocolate made using cacao sourced directly from the local Pahang,...
Chunky Peanut Butter. This creation is: Vegan Sugar Free 100% Natural High in protein Consumer tip:...
WONDERFOOD PANDAN GULA MELAKA GRANOLA | 250g This creation is: Vegetarian NO refined sugar or flour...
WONDERFOOD HONEY EARL GREY GRANOLA | 250g This creation is: Vegetarian NO refined sugar or flour...
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The Chocolate Lemon Snacks has taken over with this delightful recipe. This creation is: Vegan...